Archives: Quotes
The other Steps can keep most of us sober and somehow functioning. But Step Eleven can keep us growing, . . .
There is a direct linkage among self-examination, meditation, and prayer. Taken separately, these practices can bring much relief and benefit.
. . . when they [self-examination, meditation and prayer] are logically related and interwoven, the result is an unshakable foundation for life.
This . . . has to do with the quality of faith. . . . In no deep or meaningful sense had we ever taken stock of ourselves. . . . We had not even prayed rightly. We had always said, “Grant me my wishes” instead of “Thy will be done.”
Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood Him. . . .
. . . praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out.
Meditation is something which can always be further developed. It has no boundaries, either of width or height. Aided by such instruction and example as we can find, it is essentially an individual adventure, something which each one of us works out in his own way.
But first of all we shall want sunlight; nothing much can grow in the dark. Meditation is our step out into the sun.